Friday, October 23, 2009

Why you should believe your own lies.

                                                                                                                                                  Edgar Tells Lies!

Okay, possibly the most random blog I have done yet. Don't ask me how I found out about this. I have never studied psychology, cared about psychology or even been mildly interested in how my brain rationalizes thoughts and processes because... well it doesn't rationalize them.

It is called cognitive dissonance. It is one of the most explored psychological concepts around and until tonight, I had never even heard of it. Lame! Apparently, it happens when you have two thoughts simultaneously. The part where you start lying to yourself happens when you want to reduce the feeling of dissonance and you tell yourself something other than what is truthful in order to rationalize your behavior, thoughts, actions etc. 

I came to the realization after reading about this, that I do it all the time. On a daily basis. I lie to myself about the food I eat, the exercise I do, the money I spend and often how productive I am being. I lie to myself to make myself feel better and happily, it works. I am completely and utterly content being dishonest with myself. The possibility of me having made a bad decision, is just not really worth my anxiety.  So if believing your own lies makes you happier, I say go for it. Tell fibs, deceive yourself into thinking it's okay to have 2 deserts, mislead your happy little mind to make it believe that an hour of concentrating on work is absolutely adequate and that you couldn't possibly do any more and fabricate your life as much as necessary, turn it into what you want to be. It makes believing your lies completely worthwhile.

 I wonder if there have been such studies on imagination... I shall be looking into this at some point.

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