Friday, November 25, 2011

The simple life.

The other day, I fooled myself into thinking life was simple. I had a day off, I stayed in bed late, I watched trashy movies, I drank hot chocolate from my favourite mug, I sat by the window working on my novel watching soft rain falling over the ocean. I almost believed that nothing else mattered in that moment. I actually almost fooled myself. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


"Never say goodbye. Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."

 I need your calmness. I need your positive energy. I need your organization. I need your guidance. I need you to dance with me crazily, I need to hear you tell me about your life and I need to tell you about mine. I need to see you laugh when someone says something funny, because I probably found it funny too but I don't want to laugh by myself. I need you to teach me to play wii properly and I need you to include me in decisions so I know I am needed. I need you to tell me what to do when things go wrong, I love that you're friends with me just because I am me, no pretending. I need to know you are still there because I need you as my friend.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The biannual breakdown and how to survive it.

Every session in exams, students have a breakdown. Some will be worse than others, some will cry, others will sit and stare at a wall. Some will almost quit uni, others will forget to eat, sleep and shower because that takes away valuable study time. So what do you do when you wake up one morning and realise you have been sleeping in the dining room all night and you haven't showered in 3 days?

1. Call your Mother- or if you live with her, go and cry on her shoulder. (Fathers tend not to be quite so sympathetic in such matters). Tell her everything your thinking, how much you hate uni/school/your job. Tell her that your thinking about quitting, tell her that you need her to send food or come and pick you up. She'll probably have been expecting this phone call anyway.

2. Get rid of the energy drinks. These ultimately sap your energy and in addition to that, disrupt your bowel  movements. Stop now to avoid shitting yourself in an exam.

3. Take a shower. You stink. No one wants to come near you.

4. Eat something, preferably not something by Cadbury or Starburst or that came out of a vending machine.

5. Have a dance to some Calvin Harris. It's a guaranteed mood elevator. 
