Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm pretty sure there is a white tip spider kingdom on my balcony.

So I am pretty sure there is a white tip spider kingdom on my balcony.

I'm not talking just one little spider hiding away, but I mean, those mother fuckers have built an entire kingdom out there. Theres webs all along the railings and there is a months worth of flies stuck in the web.

Every now and again I see legs poking out of the hole and once I saw a white tipped abdomen ripping open a bee. I got my binoculars out to take a closer look, because I don't want to go outside near it and one of the spiders has built this huge web right in the top corner. I think he might be the king.

Anyway, looks like I need to move house. What if they invade me? What if I get bitten? I could die. Moving seems like the only option.

At least it's raining today. Suckers.

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