Thursday, November 19, 2009


Parties are just so much fun. Getting invited to a party always makes me feel so special. Even if I don't know anyone there, it means I get to dress up, put on some smashing shoes and stand around looking fabulous.

There are many kinds of parties. Children's parties are probably the most fun. They have face paint, clowns and pass the parcel. The cake is usually in some kind of wonderful shape, and there is lots and lots of candy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are college parties. I can't really remember what happens at these.. I just know that there is usually lots and lots of very cheap champagne and wine. Dinner parties are always deliciously satisfying too, as these give you a chance to wear even higher shoes than regular parties considering all you need to do is sit down and look good. High class parties are supposedly charming too. Not that I would know, but imagine everyone worth knowing goes to these. There is a lot of expensive champagne and spirits, and you will probably get an awesome gift bag just for attending.

Look, the bottom line is, parties are an interesting social phenomena. In the name of research, I plan on attending as many as possible between now and when I die.

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